What Is Compost?
Composting is a natural process of breaking down organic matter into the soil. It is a great way to recycle and reuse waste from your kitchen and home while enriching the soil in your garden/yard.
Composting offers much-needed nutrition to the soil, helps prevent erosion, and adds to the soil’s water retention quality. It mainly consists of food scraps, yard waste, and other microorganisms such as worms, fungi, and bacteria.
Once broken down and decomposed, these organic materials pass on nutrition to the soil that helps support the plant’s overall growth and development.
Total Materials LLC offers premium garden compost if you’re looking for high-quality compost for your garden or yard. We also offer compost in bulk quality, ensuring your garden is never out of the nutrition it needs.
Pricing: $50 per yd
How To Create Compost
At Total Materials LLC, we follow the industry-standard process refined over the years to produce high-quality, premium compost.
The process we follow to make compost includes the following –
Gather Organic Waste
The first step to creating compost includes collecting organic waste. We use hay, horse manure, and sawdust.
Shredding Organic Waste
The composting process is accelerated by shredding or chipping the collected organic waste.
Shredding helps the microorganisms responsible for decomposition to work on the waste faster and access it. The smaller the size of organic waste, the faster and easier it is for the waste to decompose.
Mixing Organic Waste
The chipped or shredded organic waste is then mixed in a compost bin. We mix to give a 15:1 carbon-to-nitrogen finishing ratio. Perfect for all garden applications with NO Nitrogen burn.
Add Water
Adding water to the compost pile is important to keep the microorganisms responsible for composting alive. It is important to add water periodically to the pile to keep the moisture levels optimal.
Without sufficient moisture, the microorganisms will die, the composting process will remain incomplete, or the compost created wouldn’t be as good or desired.
Turning Compost
The compost pile is turned and rotated to aerate the mixture in this stage. Turning the compost frequently is important to ensure the decomposition happens evenly throughout the pile.
It helps in the equal distribution of air, moisture, and microorganisms across the compost pile, ensuring the decomposition happens comprehensively.
Let Compost Mature
The process of composting can take anywhere between six months to a year. It primarily depends on the organic materials and waste used and the conditions provided for the composting process.
When the compost is finally ready, it will smell earthy, and the texture will be crumbly.
It will look dark brown or black, signifying it is ready for use in the soil to increase its water retention, boost soil nutrition, improve soil structure, help fertilize plants, and enhance the landscape’s overall health.
Benefits of Using Our Compost
Compost benefits the soil, plants, and the overall environment. Heres some of the benefits compost offers and why Total Materials LLC recommends using it for your garden or yard.
- Compost helps improve soil structure by improving drainage and loosening up the soil.
- Compost is rich in potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients, enhancing soil's nutrition and making nutrients available for plants' growth and development.
- Compost help create and sustain soil microbiome as it contains bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. These microorganisms help with improving soil structure, recycling nutrients, and helping boost plants' immunity while keeping pests at bay.
- Compost reduces the need for or dependency on chemical-based fertilizers and acts as an organic, healthy, and eco-friendly alternative.
- Using compost ensures reduced waste reaches the landfills, lowering the greenhouse emissions produced by the landfills. Using compost is crucial to reducing the overall carbon footprint on the environment.
Buy Premium Organic Compost In Clarksville at Total Materials LLC
Compost is necessary to keep your garden or yard healthy. At Total Materials LLC, we make compost right from the biodegradable products available while working on your outdoor areas.
We also independently produce compost for use in our landscaping projects.
Whether you need organic compost in your yard or want to buy compost in bulk, trust Total Materials LLC to supply high-quality premium organic compost for clients across Clarksville, TN, and surrounding areas.
For more information or to buy compost from us, call us today!